Music Player for Pad/Phone
Google has changed the rules regarding donations and support, so it's no longer possible to get them from apps directly.
If you have supported me in the past to remove the advertising I ask you to apologize, but sending user data to check the activations is now prohibited.
If you want to continue using the previous version in which you could activate the app, you can download it from the download section in this page
Thanks again and I apologize for the inconvenience.

New music player also suitable for tablet with Android Honeycomb 3.0 or higher.

With this player you can create playlists and organize your folders by simply taking your tablet without using the annoying system scan. You choose what to listen to without getting lost in the extensive research of your songs.

The features are numerous, including:
  • Formats supported: MP3, WAV, OGG, MID, MP4, M4A, 3GP, FLAC, AAC and some WMA files depends on the compression. (FLAC , AAC and WMA only for Android 3.1 or higher)
  • Clearly hear the music, even off-screen
  • Use of gestures with your finger to change songs (right and left), pause (double tap), start a song (double tap) and vary the volume (up and down)
  • Hide playlist Side
  • Add files, folders (including subfolders choice) and playlist to current playlist
  • Remove the selected song, all songs or just the missing physical disk
  • Load and save playlist
  • Sort the playlist in different ways
  • Quickly search for a song from the playlist
  • Display the time remaining or time elapsed for a song by tapping on it - Loading all the ID3 information from MP3 files
  • Display of the cover while listening the song
  • Widgets of various sizes
  • Oscilloscope (Android 2.3 or higher)
  • Search covers online
  • Equalizer (Android 2.3 or higher)
  • Queue of songs you like
  • Long menus by tapping on a song
  • Command/Send Track information to Bluetooth devices like car stereo or headsets
  • A lot of other options...

Explanation of Permissions
All permits are used to the normal operation of the program without any complete collection of user information, in details:
  • INTERNET to connect to the network for AdMob advertising and to unlock the PRO version
  • ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE for AdMob advertising
  • WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to save the cache and the playlist, and more on the SD
  • WAKE_LOCK to keep active the player during screen off when playback
  • RECORD_AUDIO to draw the oscilloscope
  • BOOT_COMPLETED to play music when device start

Have fun!

All news will be displayed at the opening of the new version of the program once installed.



Version 1.7.6 - 24/04/18
  • Removed support/donations for new Google Rules
  • Fixed some bugs

Version 1.7.5 - 22/09/16
  • Added command to show or hide controls when do a single Tap over Cover
  • Fixed some bugs

Version 1.7 - 11/12/14
  • Redraw all graphics of controls and widgets
  • Fixed some bugs

Version 1.6 - 07/08/14
  • Added option to autostart music at device boot completed
  • Added the playback controls on the lock screen device for Android 4.0 or higher by the option to send data to Bluetooth devices
  • Added the ability to restore the cover from the song MP3 Tags
  • Fixed some bugs

Version - 20/02/14
  • Fixed some bugs

Version 1.5.6 - 21/01/14
  • Fixed some bugs

Version 1.5.5 - 15/01/14
  • Updated to the new Android Framework
  • Correct some Bluetooth remote control problems from Android 4.3 version
  • Fixed some bugs

Version 1.5.4 - 30/11/13
  • Fixed some bugs

Version 1.5.3 - 22/10/13
  • Fixed some bugs

Version 1.5.2 - 16/10/13
  • Added an option to choose what player to make when you press the menu button
  • Improved service management to free up more memory in the system
  • Now the player remembers the list of songs already heard even after rebooting the device
  • Now you can share the song title that you listening with your friends by the song context menu
  • Now when you open the notifications bar during playback you can see the cover of the song
  • Added close button to the notifications bar, the song wil go in pause and close player
  • Fixed some bugs

Version 1.5.1 - 08/10/13
  • Now you can open the context menu of song from all player by long tap the screen
  • Correct the functionality to send MP3 tags over Bluetooth devices
  • Fixed some bugs

Version 1.5.0 - 05/10/13
  • Added options to show/hide song title or artist in the player, not in widgets
  • Now my player send MP3 Tags to Bluetooth device connected, like car stereos or headsets, if you select it in options (BETA)
  • Now player restart playing song when you hang up a call if you set option to pause in calling
  • Fixed some bugs

Old News



For STORE VERSION WITH ADS and NO ACTIVATION use Android Market to download my program or use Barcode Scanner or similar program with your mobile device

For OLD VERSION WITH ACTIVATION use THIS LINK (1496 times) and install it on mobile directly.

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Work in progress

Thanks to all for appreciations and donations!
(Please don't donate less than 1 €uro,
otherwise it'll all go to PayPal.)

Luke phrases


SimoSoft Projects Copyright © 2018 - Vers. 1.2.1