iFonz is a clone of iPhone interface, with a lots of customization and a fully graphical design and animations
for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely writed in .NET.
Read more info in Readme.txt file in the installation folder on your mobile or
on XDA Forum at the latest thread about iFonz.
For any support go to XDA Forum.
Last update
Version 1.1.2 - 15/10/08
Now when pass from last page to first page don't scroll all pages but go first directly, same thing when click the D-Pad button
If you don't use wallpaper iFonz scroll very quickly and the ClearType Windows setting problem is resolved
Deleted Arial fonts, now use Tahoma (Windows Mobile system font)
Reduced the size of Operator name font
Resized correctly all labels and text
Now work with VGA correctly and with HTC Diamond
Created 2 set of gfx folder 1 for QVGA and 1 for VGA devices
Scroll speed improvements when slide pages
Changed the Left/Right buttons to change page
New navigation system in Open/Save/Search files with a DropDownList
Correct a lot of bugs and Out of Memory Exceptions
For more history version info read Readme.txt file in installation directory on your mobile.
Icons and wallapapers for QVGA (2,97 Mb) - DOWNLOAD (46068 times)
Icons and wallapapers for VGA (4,57 Mb) - DOWNLOAD (31949 times)
Italian language (2,17 Kb) - DOWNLOAD (4066 times)
Translate the page
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Work in progress
Thanks to all for appreciations and donations!
(Please don't donate less than 1 €uro,
otherwise it'll all go to PayPal.)